Where Can Peace Be Found?

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In this title, Krishnamurti teaches that the war and destruction human beings wreak on each other and the environment are caused by our misplaced attachment to a sense of self and individuality that leads to aggression, competition, greed and conflict. When we recognise that our consciousness is not individual but common to all humans, we can work together in a spirit of cooperation and compassion. Krishnamurti shows that taking personal responsibility for our actions and reactions – in our relationships and in our lives – is the necessary first step toward a global view. Krishnamurti taught that in order for there to be peace in the world, we must each first make peace with ourselves. No spiritual path, leader, or philosophy will guide us in this endeavor; this transformation of the human psyche is a truth that each of us must discover within ourselves. In Where Can Peace Be Found? Krishnamurti focuses on how the war and destruction we human beings wreak on each other and the environment are primarily caused by our feelings of nationalism and by a misplaced attachment to religion. The root of the problems we face in our world—primarily war and hatred of one another—is due to an attachment to a sense of self and individuality that leads to aggression, competition, greed, and conflict. When we free ourselves from our conditioning by recognizing that our consciousness is not individual but common to all humans, we can finally work together in a spirit of cooperation and compassion. Krishnamurti teaches that each of us needs to take personal responsibility for our actions and reactions—in our relationships and in our lives—as a necessary first step toward a more global view of reality.

Publisher: Shambhala

Current publication: 2011

ISBN: 978-1-59030-878-3

Pages count: 111

Format: paperback

First published: 2011