All the Marvellous Earth (hardback)

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"Each page is a feast, and each course serves up new delights in the marriage of words and images." -- Napra Review All The Marvelous Earth is an anthology of Krishnamurti's writings on our relationship with each other and with the environment. In this wonderful book he points to a different way of living that is seldom, if ever, explored in traditional approaches to environmental issues. Through his deep appreciation of beauty and questioning of our relationship with nature. "Stunning photograhs and simple, yet elegant writing make All The Marvelous Earth an evocative and compelling book." -- Edward Espe Brown, Zen Teacher & Author "This is a compelling book which brings people of the spirit and environment under the same umbrella." -- Satish Kumar, Senior Editor, Resurgence Magazine

Publisher: Krishnamurti Publications of America

Current publication: 2000

ISBN: 1-888004-21-5

Pages count: 108

Format: Hardback

First published: 2000